Facebook Clothing Store – Facebook Marketplace | How to Open a Facebook Clothing Store

Facebook Clothing Store – Facebook Marketplace | How to Open a Facebook Clothing Store : Do you want a Facebook clothing store? Are you on facebook? 
Are you utilizing Facebook and its features in the best way? 
Do you want to know how to use the Facebook platform exclusively for your own benefits? 
If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. I will be giving you all you need to know, on how to open a facebook clothing store.

Facebook Clothing Store – Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook platform you see today is a very wide one. Since its inception, I have never seen a person who has utilized all of the facebook s features.

You can only use enough but you cannot use all. This platform is used by three types of persons.

Types of Facebook Users 
The first type or set of persons are the ones that use the platform exclusively for socializing.

Here they chat, share, like and comment on posts. They also make voice and video calls to family and friends both far and near.

The second sets of persons are the ones that use the business aspect of Facebook.

Not everybody on Facebook that makes use of Facebook on a daily base, mostly those that only socialize on the platform, knows about this. Facebook actually has a business platform.

Here you can do anything business related. You can promote your business here as a young entrepreneur, or maybe you have been in the field for quite some time, you can also use this great platform to promote your business.

The very platform has the marketplace and the ‘buy and sell’ feature. In this place, you can buy and sell locally.

All this can be done with considerable ease and convenience. The third and last persons that use this platform are those that utilize the social and business platforms of the platform. In other words, they use it personally and professionally.

Can I Open a Clothing Store on Facebook? 
The answer to this question is very much straight forward. Yes, you can. You can actually have your very own boutique or have a clothing store on facebook.

See: Search Facebook Marketplace – Creating a Facebook Account | Find Stuff on Facebook Marketplace – Buy or Sell on Your FB Account

This is called facebook ecommerce stores. Just in case you do not know what an ecommerce store is, here it is. An ecommerce store is an online store.

How to Open a Facebook Clothing Store 
There are two ways in which one can start selling products on facebook, or opening a clothing store. You can either set up a shop section on your facebook page or you can connect a third party ecommerce shop to facebook.

To Add a Clothing Store Section to Facebook Page;
1. On your facebook page click on the add section tab which is under the pages cover photo.

2. You will have to agree to the terms and conditions and click on continue.

3. Enter your physical address of your store and also your email address.

4. On the next page you will have to set up payment options on your store. Facebook uses stripe for this very set up. You can either connect an existing stripe account, or if you do not have, you can click on connect. Immediately you will receive an email from stripe. Follow the instructions that follow to create your own account.

5. Now that your shop is all set up you will have to start adding products to your shop.

6. Next, you will manage your store orders.

That’s all you have to do. But you have to be careful when setting up a shop section on your facebook page as the process can be a little bit complicated sometimes.

How to Connect Facebook to a Third Party Ecommerce Store
Not all third party ecommerce stores will integrate with facebook. Only a few will. In this tutorial, I will be making use of godaddys online store as a case study.

To connect follow the steps below;
1. On your e-commerce store, click on promote on the promote tab section.

2. Click on the turn-on tab on the ‘sell on Facebook’ section.

3. On the next page, you will have to click on create facebook store. Log in to facebook if you are not already logged in to your facebook account.

4. Select facebook pages.

5. Click on the very facebook page you want to sell your clothes.

6. Finally, click on add page tab.

Immediately your online store will be connected to your facebook page.

That is it on Facebook Clothing Store – Facebook Marketplace. Please share!!!

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