Delete Facebook Comment On Mobile App


In today’s post, I am going to be teaching you all you need to do to figure out how to Delete Facebook Comment On Mobile App. So if you are in dire need of the steps you need to follow to easily delete comments you don’t want on your facebook posts or timeline, this article has gotten you covered. Continue reading below and please don’t hesitate to share this article with your friends and loved ones.

If you are an online veteran, you will agree with me that comments can be made to not just post made by friends on Facebook. You can choose to make comments on a group’s post. Group posts are post placed by different groups available on Facebook.

The same goes for Facebook pages. Groups and pages on Facebook have a large ordinance and any comment made in such a platform is very important that it portrays you well. on the Facebook mobile version and Facebook mobile app.

If you really read this article with carefulness following all the steps provided here, you will be able to delete any Facebook comment you don’t want to have online again.

On this write up today, I will be putting you through on how to delete your Facebook comment on the Facebook mobile version and Facebook mobile app. If you really read this article with carefulness following all the steps provided here, you will be able to delete any Facebook comment you don’t want to have online again.

How to Delete Facebook Comment On Mobile
For people using the Facebook mobile app, there is a simple way on how to delete Facebook comment the procedure is highlighted below.

  • Make sure you have logged in to your Facebook mobile app. If you don’t know how to download Facebook mobile app, you can check my previous article on how to download and use Facebook mobile app.
  • Once you are logged in, you will have to locate the particular Facebook comment
  • Then you can click on more below the comment then click on “OK” icon.

Finally, how to delete Facebook comment is a question you should not be asking after reading most Facebook help topics on this website.

If you feel you want to know more about how to delete Facebook comments, then feel free to contact us via the comment box provided below.

That is it on Delete Facebook Comment On Mobile App.

I hope this article was helpful.

Please share!!!

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