Changing Facebook page name


How to change your Facebook page name: Do you have a Facebook page and looking for a guide on how to change your Facebook page name? If yes, here is a post that teaches all the steps you need to follow to easily change your page name on Facebook immediately.

Facebook page is one of the most used Facebook features that allow people to connect with their friends and loved ones directly. The feature allows its users to connect with their customers and make sales if it is a Facebook business page.

In the same way, Facebook fan pages allow its users to connect with their fans also.

Here, we will teach you how to easily change your facebook page name if you choose to do so. Continue with the steps below:

How To Change Facebook Page Name

Changing Facebook page name
  • Open your Page in Facebook, and click Page Settings in the bottom left.
  • Then find Page Info in the left menu, at the bottom.
  • At the top, click your Page name and re-do it as you need (there are limits on page names – you can’t have abusive terms, improper capitalization, symbols, the word “Facebook”, and a few more)
  • Click Save Changes: this will open a new prompt (see image), with more information. You’ll have a chance to edit the page name again, or Facebook will suggest changes if the name is invalid.
  • Review your request, and click Request Change.
  • Done! Facebook currently says “Our review may take up to three days and require additional information,” so make sure you’re ready for that delay. We’ve found it can happen in much less time, or indeed take a few days.

Those are the steps you need to follow to easily change your facebook page. I believe the steps were simple enough to undertake.

What you need to know before you proceed to change your facebook name
First, a few things to know. To change a Page name, you’ll have to request a name change. Get it? The new page name is actually at Facebook’s discretion, not your own, and your page name change is actually checked by Facebook.

That layer of moderation is both good and bad. It’s good for security, in case something has happened and you really don’t want your name changed to something bad. However, it does also show that while it’s your business or page you run, you’re still playing by Facebook’s rulebook. Your page size and influence doesn’t matter here.

Second important thing: you’ll need to be an Admin to request that Page name change. Not an Editor or Contributor, but Admin.

Third, the username won’t change. This might seem obvious: the URL and username associated with your page, for example, @BestCookiesTexas, will still exist as such, even if you change the page name to, say, “Best Texas BBQ,” your new business name. That’s not a problem at all, you can change the username as well. So why mention it? You have to change it, Facebook won’t do it for you.

Fourth, if you go through this process and don’t see the option to edit your page’s name, there are some likely reasons. The most obvious one is you’re not an admin, so check your page role. Also, you can’t change your name frequently, so you’ll need to wait if it changed within the last seven days.

That is it on Changing Facebook page name. Kindly share this article with your friends and loved ones!!!


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