How Do You Create Hotmail Account 2020


How Do You Create Hotmail Account 2020: I believe you are here because you are in dire need of the process you need to follow to create a hotmail account. If that is true or something related to that, this article has gotten you covered.

Here, we will take you through all the steps you need to follow to quickly create yahoo account. Continue reading below and please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and loved ones!!!

How to create a yahoo account is pretty simple and easy. To create a free yahoo account, all you need to do is to visit or and look for the registration page, open it and you’ll see a big form to fill, don’t worry it is just basic profile information. All you need to do is fill the fields correctly following the instructions the same page will show to you.

Simple things like your name, gender and birth date shouldn’t be a problem. About your country/location and phone make sure you write real information, the location will set your home page with your local news and the phone is for recovering your password. If you don’t want to share your phone number, just leave the field empty.

Create Hotmail Account
Go to the next page and accept the Microsoft terms and conditions, and you’ll be ready to start using your account, you can edit all your information (Except for the email address) from the settings page whenever you want, all you need to do is type your password to verify your identity.

Once you’re logged in into your account there plenty of optional settings available that can be really helpful, spam filters, auto-answering and import/export contacts can save you any time you are hurry or busy.

If you have any problem by the time of Hotmail registration there may be some mistakes in the form you filled, like:

Incorrect data: You may be using illegal characters in your username (Like @, ?, &, etc) remember that your username can only contain letters, numbers and underscore.
Incomplete data: If you leave in blank some of the mandatory fields that will be a problem, but all you need to do is make sure you fill all the fields and you’re done.
For other problems you can consult the Help section on the Hotmail main page.

That is it on How Do You Create Hotmail Account 2020. I hope this article was helpful. Kindly share!!!

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