Facebook Gaming App iOS Download -How to Play Facebook Games on Android

Facebook Gaming App iOS Download

Facebook Gaming App iOS Download -How to Play Facebook Games on Android:

Facebook Gaming is the order of the day most especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Though there are lots of gamerooms it is of note that Facebook Gamerooms has indeed bewitched Twitch and Youtube which are popularly the competitors in the gaming sites.

Facebook Gaming APK

Facebook Gaming has been launched and expected as an Android app with an iOS app in the near future once it is approved by Apple. The Gaming app exists to allow gamer to live-stream games they are playing and watch others doing the same, or to chat about games within the community. The launching could arrive as a surprise as it has been anticipated to go live by June, but with so many people staying home, it is sensible if launched so fast to ease depression among the gamer. According to Fidji Simo, head of the Facebook Gaming app, “We’re seeing a big rise in gaming during the quarantine.”

Facebook is striving to make streaming content as easy as possible. With the app installed, users can access a feature called “Go Live,” which can stream games installed on the device “by pressing a few buttons.” The live stream automatically appears on the user’s Facebook page, meaning there’s no other software to install or accounts required.

Why is Facebook Gaming focused on Mobile

As to why Facebook decided to focus on mobile for game streaming, Vivek Sharma, Facebook’s vice president for gaming, explained, “We don’t want to be the background window in a Chrome tab while someone is doing their homework or doing something else … With mobile, if you have the app open and you’re using the app, it’s in the foreground. You can’t do anything else on your mobile phone, and that is extremely powerful.”

The social network wouldn’t launch such a data-intensive service if it didn’t have a plan to generate money from it. However, there will be no ads in the Facebook Gaming app, at least not initially. Instead, Facebook intends to generate revenue through users sending “stars” to streamers, which cost money and Facebook will make a commission on.

The new app includes casual games and access to gaming communities, but its fate will depend largely on how successfully it entices people to watch and create live game streams. A function called Go Live lets users upload streams of other mobile games on the same device by pressing just a few buttons.

Those streams can then be shared to someone’s personal Facebook page, potentially making it much easier for people to become amateur streamers.

By contrast, streaming mobile games to Twitch, the market leader, generally requires people to install more complicated third-party programs or connect their mobile device to a computer.

“There are a lot of people who listen to music and say, ‘I can imagine myself being a musician,’” said Vivek Sharma, Facebook’s vice president for gaming. “People are watching streams and they’re like, ‘I want to be a streamer,’ and with Go Live it’s literally just a few clicks and then live, you’re a streamer.”

Facebook Gaming Mobile App

Facebook plans to introduce the Facebook Gaming mobile app as quickly as possible, the social network said, in its most decisive move into the video game business as people seek entertainment during the pandemic.

The free app caps several years of investment at Facebook, which said more than 700 million of its 2.5 billion monthly users already engaged with gaming content. The app is designed largely for creating and watching live gameplay, a fast-growing online sector where Facebook is battling Amazon’s Twitch , Google’s YouTube and Microsoft’s Mixer services.

With much of the world urged or ordered to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak, the $160 billion global games business is booming. Facebook originally intended to release the app in June but accelerated its plans as the quarantine’s scope became clear.

“Investing in gaming in general has become a priority for us because we see gaming as a form of entertainment that really connects people,” said Fidji Simo, head of the Facebook app, who reports to the Silicon Valley company’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg. “It’s entertainment that’s not just a form of passive consumption but entertainment that is interactive and brings people together.”

However, it is of note that Facebook Gaming also features a function called “Go Live,” which lets users livestream mobile games directly from their smartphone to Facebook. This eliminates the need for dedicated third-party software and hardware which people usually require to broadcast themselves playing games on platforms like Twitch.

For now, Facebook isn’t including ads in the app and monetization is pretty limited. It does however let people earn money with so-called “stars” which let fans make one-time payments. The company says it will explore more monetization options over time.

The app will initially be available on the Google Play app store, with an iOS version in the works for a later date.

That is it on Facebook Gaming App iOS Download -How to Play Facebook Games on Android. I hope this article was helpful. Kindly share!!!

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