Birthday list on Facebook

Birthday list on Facebook

Facebook is a very large online chatting platform used globally by many users to chat and meet new friends. As such, there is an icon for a Birthday list on Facebook where you can easily view all your friends’ birthdays on a single page on the platform.

The feature was introduced to enable you to find the birthdays of the people you are friends with on Facebook. Additionally, you can see other options like today’s birthdays, recent birthdays, upcoming birthdays, and birthdays arranged by months for easy accessibility.

Facebook provides other options so you can keep track of your friend’s or family members’ birthdays so you can send wishes, cards, or gifts to them by giving you notification on the day of the event.

How to find a Birthday list on Facebook

Below contains method on how to find a Birthday list on Facebook using a PC or any other device to catch up with your friend’s events;

  • To view Facebook birthday notifications on your PC, open the Facebook website and sign in.
  • Once you have signed in, click on the Events option in the menu on the left
  • In the Events menu, select Birthdays in the left-hand menu.
  • Alternatively, select the Friends icon at the top, then select Birthdays from the left-hand menu.
  • In the Birthdays menu, your Facebook friends will be separated by their birth months. Starting with the current month (or next available birthday, depending on your friends’ list), you’ll be able to see each friend’s birthday listed.
  • Now go over the friend’s profile icon in the Birthdays menu to view their birthday in the pop-up box.
  • At this point, if you have a friend with a current birthday, you will be able to write a message on their profile directly in the Birthdays menu. Type a message into the box provided and select the Enter key to send the message.

On Android or other devices

  • To access your Facebook birthday calendar on Android, and any other device, open the app and select the menu icon in the top-right.
  • From the menu, select the search icon.
  • Using the search bar, type birthdays. Select the Birthdays (see upcoming birthdays) option that appears at the top.
  • In the Birthdays menu, you’ll be able to view all upcoming birthdays for your Facebook friends, starting with the next birthday. Underneath your friend’s name will be the date of their next birthday.
  • If it’s your friend’s birthday, an option will be available to post a congratulatory message on their profile or to contact them on Facebook Messenger. Type a message in the box provided and select the Post button to do this, or select the Facebook Messenger icon above it instead.

Facebook is the number one most famous and accessible online chatting platform that bonds and keeps friends and family members’ social life going through constant chatting, also if you’ve forgotten someone’s birthday, you can always check on the site.

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