Sell On Facebook Store – Facebook Stores | FB Store Features


Sell On Facebook Store – Facebook Stores | FB Store Features: Are you a retailer with goods in hand looking for a place to sell? If you are, then I will advise you now to sell on the Facebook store.

But first and foremost do you know the Facebook store?

It is quite unfortunate that most people spend a lot of time on this platform and still do not know of this feature.

Well, it is not entirely their fault, but I do blame them. This feature is popular but not that popular.

The reason is this.

Facebook has similar features to the Facebook store feature and they are the Facebook buy and sell groups and also the Facebook marketplace.

These platforms are meant for retailers on the Facebook platform. It is mostly meant for persons practicing small-scale forms of business.

Features of the Facebook Store 

Before you start selling on this platform it is good that you know of the features of this Facebook feature.

The reason why Facebook users are already using this platform is the features it offers. For one the price for setting up a Facebook online store is relatively low.

I mean it costs nothing to set up a Facebook store. It is no surprise that the cost of setting up a Facebook store is atrocious. This has led many retailers to look out for other platforms with cheap subscription fees.

But the thing is that the free platforms or low-cost online store platforms have limited features to use. But with the Facebook store, the gap with the high cost and low-cost store platforms has been breached.

RelatedFacebook Shop Sign In – How To Create A Facebook Shop And Facebook Shop Ads

Another thing and advantage of setting a facebook store are that your goods and products get exposure on a massive scale both locally and internationally.

You can also sell anything on Facebook with the Facebook store as long as it does not go against the Facebook community standards.

Also, you do not need any form of expertise to set up and use a Facebook store. All you need is a Facebook account and a Facebook page.

How to Set Up a Facebook Store 

Setting up a Facebook store is easy like I have established before. All you need is a Facebook page and you also do not need any form of formal teaching or expertise.

To successfully create a Facebook store follow the steps below;
– Open your Facebook page.
– Click on the add section tab just below the page cover photo.
– On the next page click on the add shop section.
– You will have to follow the on-screen instructions carefully from the next page.

Once you are done with the instructions, click on finish.

But don’t forget to get your Facebook page in place before you get to set up your Facebook store.

RelatedFacebook Shopping App for Ecommerce – Selling on Facebook

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